Monday, April 9, 2012

How was your weekend?

Ours was lovely and quiet...just what I needed.  Yesterday after church, we took a walk along a local river trail. The weather was warm and sunny, and for those of us living where it snows; those days feel like a time to celebrate.
Eating wise I'm doing much better. My appetite is still heightened, but I know that will change too.
Enjoy your day-


  1. Glad you had a good one. You know the weather was great over here. Hang in there - your appetite will get better. :-)

  2. We had a great Easter. Very relaxed and just an overall happy and content kind of day. My daughter and I went for at least a 2 hr. walk, it may have actually been longer than that, but it was great and we had a wonderful conversation. I love those kinds of days.

  3. Jeri, just catching up on your posts. I really feel where you are at with your weight and the addictive types of food. I find some foods I can't have just a little of, something gets triggered in me. I find it best to just quit those foods altogether. I know you can overcome this!

  4. Every day is a new day! Have I said that to you over and over? Or is that what I am telling myself? Saturday was an amazing day with my husband, Easter...not so much fun:( Kids....can't live with them...would die without them!
