Friday, January 6, 2012

Home's a good place to be.
I got on the scale this morning. I'm up 1.5 lbs-not too bad. I think a day or two at home will take care of that, as traveling always tweeks with my weight.
My goal was to not gain while I was gone. Generally the holidays and traveling would have added at least 5 lbs...probably more. So this is good.
But I don't want to get stuck here. It's really time to hit the exercise. I'm getting soft where the fat use to be...anyone know what I mean--without getting too graphic!
I'm still going to Fast way.  That means occasional -small amt of beans or hummus. You can FT forever-lots of people do, but just don't call it that.  Honestly, I think for me staying away from grains has curbed my appetite, and kept me from overeating. I could be a carb-o-holic in  heartbeat. There are some foods I do better just not eating...even in small amounts.
I'm going to try a few recipes from the book 'Wheat Belly' this weekend. I'll share later. I'm also going to get a pedi/mani today, and go on a date with my hubby. We're going to see Sherlock Holmes...I hear it's really.good.
I hope you all have a great weekend as something fun!


  1. I am happy to find your blog. I FT (my way) by eliminating all wheat and white stuff. I like the idea of a small occasional scoop of hummus.
    My daughter has started a blog about her Wheat Belly journey. She likes the recipes.

  2. HI Jeri, 1.5 is nothing and will be gone in no time. I think you did great.
    I am not a carb-a holic, I have a bad sweet tooth. so for me the carbs don't bother me.
    I loved the Sherlock Holmes movie and you will too.
    Have a great day today :-)

  3. Welcome home, Jeri!

  4. Glad to hear you are home safe & sound. Enjoy your pampering and nite out with the hubby!

  5. Welcome home and I hope that you get to rest up and re engergize yourself:)You did great while you were away!
    I'm with you on exercise being needed. I have been a slacker again. I don't know why it is so hard for me to get moving???
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Did you like the movie? Hubby and I went to Mission Impossible. I loved it!

  6. Welcome back Jeri! I saw Sherlock Holmes with the family and thought it was great! Better than the first one in my opinion. Hope you have a great night out!

  7. I am loving Wheat Belly and will try the Flax wraps this weekend! Which ones are you making?

  8. Welcome home! Great job on not much weight gain, too! woo hoo! Exercise helps me a lot too. It boosts my metabolism and keeps me strong, two very good things. Enjoy your weekend, I'd love to see Sherlock Holmes. :)

  9. Only 1.5 pounds, that's probably due to traveling like you said. Good job. I keep hearing people talk about that book Wheat Belly. Do you recommend it? I'm a total refined carbaholic. I should probably cut them out entirely.
