Monday, November 28, 2011

A New Week

...yesterday, I rested and rested. My sleeping is crazy-so I would like to say I feel rested this morn, but no.  Any over-the-counter sleep aids that won't make me feel loopy the next day?
At 1:00 am-- I was considering my options!
Today is a new day:
* dental appt.
* clients
*holiday shopping
* keep working on projects
*Zumba in the evening
* Say something really kind to myself - "Good for you for making time to exercise"
I hope you're as kind to yourself as you are to me-and others. That's something I'm always working on.


  1. HI Jeri, you know I never sleep well, so I have no advice on that. But at least you got some rest and have a great day :-)

  2. Hi Jeri. I never had problems sleeping, but now if I wake up, I can't get back to sleep. So I just rest when I can, and eventually I get so tired that I zonk out for a good 8 hrs! I agree with you that we have to be kind to ourselves. Often we treat others more kindly, and we need to be gentle with our own selves as well. Have a great day!

  3. I wish I could get inspired to do Zumba! I had good intentions to go today, but I didn't. No excuse but laziness:(
    I wouldn't sleep without my anxiety meds. I know that sounds bad, but I have taken the same thing for years, haven't increased the strength, and it really works. I can fall asleep and when I go to the bathroom 4x a night, I can go right back to sleep. Sleep sometimes is my coping mechanism.
    Go to Zumba for me:) Have a great day!

  4. I'm sorry you have trouble sleeping. Good luck.

  5. Hey Jeri! My sister has trouble sleeping too & her Dr. recommended for her to try melatonin (Its OTC)and she has had great success with using it & no side effects as it is a natural sleep aid. YOu can buy it at any health food store.
    We definitely need to be kinder to ourselves. I know that I can do a few rounds with myself in the boxing ring when I mess up on my diet. We always need to keep in perspective how far we have come, no matter how much it is because it is uaually always a move in the right direction.
    Sleep tight tonite my friend!

  6. Jeri, I have sleeping problems myself. Think it might have something to do with the old menopause. I used to take Tylenol PM - just one pill a night, not the recommended two. Now when I have trouble I take a product called Midnite. The ingredients are Melatonin (like Sherri recommended),lemon balm, chamomile, and lavender. I get them at my local Walmart. You can either take them to help you fall asleep or in the middle of the night if you wake up and can't go back to sleep. I've never had any weird dreams or anything like that and I still get up at 6:15am to see my youngest off to school. Have never felt weird or groggy either, just rested. Everyone's different but they might work for you! Hope you feel better soon!
